Wednesday, July 13, 2016

It's been a while...

It's certainly been a while since I lasted shared anything at all here on the ALM Photo blog. Wow. We've certainly worked on lots of great projects, photographed some beautiful weddings, covered some amazing events and captured lots of smiles; but sadly, you didn't see any of that here. For almost a whole year!

Well, today's post is not very exciting, but I promise I'll share some actual photos and stories very soon. We've decided to sell a couple of our long lenses that we only use about once a year, if that. Yes, we've used them in the past, but the type of photography we've been doing for the last few years does not necessitate these lenses. We've been doing a lot of events, real estate photography and weddings and rarely these lenses get to come along. If you are interested in any (or all!) or these lenses, please contact Allan at 865-659-3273 or via email. We can ship, but we'd prefer to arrange for pick up due to the delicate nature of the lenses.

ALM Photo, Canon, lenses, 300mm
ALM Photo, Canon, lenses, 400mm
ALM Photo, Canon, lenses, 600mm
ALM Photo, Canon, lenses, 600mm


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