Monday, August 18, 2008

Cardwell Family Photo Shoot- August 17th

ALM Photo is pleased to share some photographs from a fun-filled family photography session focusing on Jack Ransom, the newest addition to the Cardwell family. We went on-site to the Cardwell home to photograph Matt, Kristin, and 13-month-old big sister, Rachel along with 6-week old Jack. The session was a lot of fun and we arrived while Rachel was napping so we could focus on getting some great shots of Jack alone and with his loving parents. This photo session served as a reminder of two very important things- 1. Thirteen-month-old children have a shorter attention span than Allan and 2. Diapers are important.

Matt and Kristin are two of the most relaxed, young parents we have ever met and being around them and their children is a real treat. The session was filled with lots of fun. Sometimes it is the unexpected that makes things go from fun to funny, such as when Jack decided it was time to relieve himself and had no idea he wasn't wearing a diaper. While Kristin went inside to change and freshen up from this "accident", Lisa held Jack and Allan was able to capture a repeat performance. Those are the photographs you pull out when your son brings home that special girl! Below are a few shots from the session that we loved, but there were so many more great moments we were able to capture for the Cardwell's.

Jack was also napping when we arrived and we were able to get some absolutely adorable shots of him in his birth day suit.

Here Jack enjoys a relaxed pose with his parents, Matt and Kristin.

Rachel was soon awake and ready for her turn in front of the camera.

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